Thursday, January 28, 2010

Have 30 Day Shred, will travel.

I woke up this morning, fought the sleep monster with my crazy awesome ninja skills and went for a run...on the treadmill because it was cold. I came home, hooked up the Ipod, and damn if the stupid Itunes didn't eat my run. It took my run and then refused to pass it onto the Nike+ website, so I can't get you a pretty picture. I can only give you what Itunes can, a boring screen shot.This run didn't feel as good as the...

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

I wonder if my lead foot adds to my weight.

This morning has been filled with things not going quite right. I was supposed to do Yoga in my living room this morning, I woke up at 6:30am to find that the husband had fallen asleep on the couch. I didn't want to wake him up that early, he worked last night, so I had to put Yoga off until after work. I went back to sleep, only to sleep a little too long and then had to rush getting to work. While rushing, I was going about 11mph over the speed limit...when I got pulled over. God only knows how fast I was going before he clocked...

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

I awoke to a dancing mouse...

This morning, despite my very best efforts to sabotage myself and stay in bed for a few extra minutes, I made it up for my run!I ran inside, on the treadmill because the wind was kicking and COLD this morning. It was a good run, I felt good and once I got started I ran the whole time. I think part of the reason I made it out of bed was the song that was on the radio when my alarm clock went off. "I believe in miracles...since...

Monday, January 25, 2010

Meatless Monday – Black Bean Cakes with Avocado Butter

  I’m really getting fond of Meatless Mondays! I love looking for new recipes during the week and coming up with ideas. I even have a file on my Blackberry for ideas if I have them at random moments of recipes I want to try to make. This recipe is really impressive, but it’s so simple to make! This would be a great recipe to have for a dinner party. Or, even make the black bean cake patties smaller and do an...

I don't know if I'd call it a proud moment but...

Monday morning is back again, it's such a tricky little thing. It seems like it comes out to play so much faster than Friday afternoon. I don't know how it does that. I had a great weekend though. Friday night I was low key, just stayed home and watched TV. Saturday the husband and I did some shopping. We also stopped at our friends new Sweepstakes place (it opened that day) to do a little gambling on computer slots....

Friday, January 22, 2010

Weigh-in Day and 30DS

Jillian Michaels is a cruel, cruel woman...but I like it. This morning I did Level of 30 Day Shred for the first time. For months I've been hearing people write about 30 Day Shred and how much they like it and how it produces good results. My husband, being awesome occasionally, got the DVD for me the other day. I need something to do on my Cross Training/non-running days while working on my training for my 10k. This...

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Catch ups!

I figured this morning I would do a series of "Catch Ups" I feel like I've been behind since I've been sick but I'm turning a leaf and I'm ready to start going forward again, even if it is slowly. Oak Island 10k TrainingThis morning was my first (albeit a few days behind) training run for the 10k. I was supposed to run for 20-25 minutes according to my Galloway Training Schedule. I ran for exactly 20 minutes because...

Wednesday, January 20, 2010


I have been doing WeightWatchers on and off as "diet" plan of choice for years. I don't consider WeightWatchers a "diet". Those who know me know I hate that word. I have changed my life. I have learned portion control and lifestyle balance with the help of my trusty Weight Watchers books. Here's a little secret for you though...I have never actually joined Weight Watchers. Shocking, I know. I have hand me down books, used any online information I could find and did my own thing. Well, that all changed today. I could feel myself...

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Tales from the Crypt

Hi everyone. I know I've been absent for longer than usual and I missed a Meatless Monday. I'm sorry! I've been very sick. I have had a terrible sore throat, a headache of epic proportions and just absolutely exhausted. I'm back at work today, but it's taking every ounce of energy I have to hold my head up. I haven't been on the computer much at all since Friday night and I've even had my Blackberry turned off. I never...

Friday, January 15, 2010

Quick Weight & Freezer Update!

  My morning starts with a meeting on an island that I don’t work on so I wasn’t sure when I’d be able to update this morning, so I figured I would just write a quick weigh-in update before I left! So, my weight this week…. 168.7lbs. Stayed the same. (+0.1, but I call that the same) I took it easy this week as far as activity, so I’m not surprised. I’m relieved it didn’t go up actually. Onward and upward! ...

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Operation Freezer

  *cue cheesy mission impossible tune* The Mission: Clean out my Freezer by trying to actually use the stuff. The Agent: A healthy eater with a weak spot for sale items. Mission…accepted. Here is my freezer: Absolutely choked full of stuff. I have no idea what is in there! Upon a quick glance I found 97% Fat Free Hebrew International Hot Dogs, half a bag of frozen shrimp,...

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Please help.

I was going to try and stretch out a blog entry today, I had a good non-running workout last night. I rode the exercise bike while reading and the time flew by. I love the Adam Lambert CD - For Your Entertainment and I'm convinced that several songs on there can power me to new heights, or at least make me dance like a crazy fool while I'm walking the dog. However, there is just something more important going on today....

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Training is the best form of motivation

It's proven that if you schedule your exercise like a meeting or other commitment, you are more likely to stick with an exercise routine. I know this is true for me. If you give me a training schedule, I will complete it and even feel guilty when I miss a day of training. It makes me work hard toward a goal. I enjoy hanging the schedule on my fridge and marking each day off with a highlighter. I've used this method for...

Monday, January 11, 2010

Meatless Monday - Eggplant Parmesan Sandwich

  Tonight I knew I would love the Meatless Monday night dinner I prepared. I love Eggplant Parmesan, how could I not love it on a sandwich?! I was so excited, I danced around my kitchen the whole time I was cooking! It was a great work out! :) I used TJ’s Test Kitchen’s recipe for Eggplant rounds as my guide. Here is what I did. Eggplant Parmesan Sandwich 1 Eggplant sliced into 3/4 inch rounds 1/2 cup egg...

You can do it!

I have chosen to make my journey with health and wellness public. Sometimes very public. I talk about my down falls, my triumphs, my fears...all of it. I'll tell anyone who will listen. For me it's not about fame or glory, I don't relish in the attention (although it is quite nice, I won't lie) like an attention hungry drama queen, but I do it so I will have someone that will say to me "You can do it!". On the days when...

Saturday, January 9, 2010

OIB Run for Food Race Recap

  I just completed the OIB Run for Food! It was a 5k and half marathon, I ran the 5k. It raised money for the local food pantry, a type of organization that I believe very strongly in. It was a no pressure, fun road race! The temperature was 26 degrees, cloudy and breezy. It was COLD. We had to cross a high rise bridge, twice. Not sure if you’re familiar with high rise beach bridges, but there is a lot of wind...

Friday, January 8, 2010

Ready, set, go!

Tomorrow is the big day! The OIB Run for Food 5k. Here is the latest forecast: I'm nervous that the morning will stay pretty cold with Friday night's low of 24 degrees, and with the wind on the high rise bridge I expect the wind chill to be COLD. I'm prepared though! I took the advice of many people and bought a compression shirt, warmer pants and I got out my fleece hat, fingerless mittens and ear cover. I think I'm...

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Stick to your guns!

I am having a good week. I have been on-point all week, I've stuck to my goals that I set for 2010, I've done my training for the 5k on Saturday and I'm proud of myself. I found this information today: —About 80% of people who make resolutions stop keeping them by mid-February.—Two-thirds of dieters gain back any lost weight within a year.—Many people make and break the same resolution year after year.I want to achieve...

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Get off your ass! Here's your motivation!

Yesterday I shared one of my new favorite quotes with you and asked for you guys to give me some quotes in return. I got some really great ones. I had a 2 mile run scheduled for last night that I totally wanted to skip. The quotes I read gave me the motivation I needed to just go run! So, get off your ass! Here's some motivation!Heather shared - "Brick walls are there for a reason. They give us a chance to show how badly...

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Deep Thoughts

"I am motivated simply by my awareness of the impact today's actions have on tomorrow's circumstances." Chase StreetmanI found that quote today and it honestly moved me. It made me think about why I push myself to eat well and exercise. I think it's my new motto. I know now that if I take care of my body that it will take care of me in turn. This is something that I have learned over the past year. This quote doesn't only apply to health and wellness, but it also applies to our relationships to others, our jobs, almost anything....

Baby it's Cold Outside!

The current temperature in my little beach town in North Carolina is 24 degrees. I don't know if you know this or not, but it doesn't get that cold here all that often. Especially not for a week at a time. We are all freezing are bums off. Even the dog. I have been doing my training runs on the treadmill, mostly because I've been running at night and I think my community has "hit a jogger win some cash" policy, but now...

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The Unlikely Success Story is lived, written and maintained by Tonyne.