I have a hard time staying on track when my schedule varies a lot. Yesterday I gave into a fast food lunch, poor choices were made, and today I gave into half of a bagel and I wasn't even hungry. This week has also been lacking exercise and I have no real excuse except being tired, which I don't think is a legitimate excuse.
I guess I am writing to say that this week, I have been weak on my plan. This week is tough. I am not doing my best this week. Yes, I know that these things happen and yes I know I will get it back on track, but I sure do feel disappointed in myself right now.
Do you find it hard to stay on track when your schedule is hectic and varied? How do you keep from beating yourself up over it?
The best I can say is to plan ahead. But once that point has passed, you just have to make sure that one bad choice doesn't turn into 20. Take the opportunity NOW to eat right.
Good luck!
It's hard to stay on track when the schedule is hectic and varied, but it comes down to choices.
Okay, so you said you were weak on your plan. It's still only Wednesday if you want to put a plan into action. if you go out -- make wise choices, especially when you know that everything is not normal. Stick with your workouts - (I assume home workouts?) - and make the best choice you can when eating.
I'm not one to really beat myself up -- i take it, accept it, and move on. I can't really help there, Sorry.
Do I ever! That was me last week and I cringed getting on the scale last night (I have made myself only weigh once a week now), but it wasn't bad news. That helped a lot. Remind yourself, as you often have me, this isn't a diet but a lifestyle change, and you have to be able to eat fast food, or fall from perfection time to time as that is what "lifestyle" is all about!
Making this comment while I sit on my duff at a conference myself. I have been able to workout before my conference, but eating right is definitely a struggle. Right now though, I'm just trying to stay awake.
I figure if people who have diabetes or food allergies can keep to their proper diets I can do it too.
It does take a little work,a little planning and you have to be dedicated to doing it.
Sometimes you do find yourself in a situation where you have to choose the least worse thing to eat that is available. Eat it and move on.
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